
A list of my publications is given below.


  • ‘Raised beaches and chronology in North-West Fuertaventura, Canary Islands ', Quaternaria 9, 247-260.


  • ‘Terrain Analysis', in Royal Grampian Country, Aberdeen University , pp4-8.
  • ‘ Hinckley and Hosiery', in K. Wheeler (Ed), Leicestershire Landscapes,Blond, pp 86-92.


  • ‘The Future Role of Geomorphology', Orb , pp54-54.
  • ‘Sand Movement in the Emlybeg Dunes, County Mayo ', Irish Naturalists Journal, 17, 132-136.
  • ‘Coastal processes and sediments around St Cyrus', in C.M. Clapperton (Ed), North East Scotland Geographical Essays, Aberdeen University , pp15-19.


  • (with A. Mather) Beaches of North Argyll and West Inverness, Aberdeen University and Countryside Commission for Scotland , 208pp and atlas.
  • (with A. Mather) Beaches of Wester Ross, Aberdeen University and Countryside Commission for Scotland , 108pp and atlas.
  • ‘ Scotland 's Middle East ' , The Geographical Magazine 44, 518-520.


  • (with W. Ritchie ) Beaches of Mainland Argyll, Aberdeen University and Countryside Commission for Scotland , 179pp.
  • (with A. Mather and W Ritchie ) ‘Highland Sand Lands' The Geographical Magazine, 45, 863-7.
  • (with E. H. Brown) ‘Land shape of Britain on a map' The Geographical Magazine, 46, 137-140.


  • ‘Detailed geomorphological mapping and land evaluation in Highland Scotland ', Institute of British Geographers Special Publication 7, 231-251.
  • ‘A Method to Determine Shingle Supply to the Coast', Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 62, 115-127.
  • (with W. Ritchie ) Beaches of Islay, Jura and Colonsay, Aberdeen University and Countryside Commission for Scotland , 195pp.
  • ‘A visual measure of shingle particle form for use in the field', Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 44, 931-934.
  • (with R. U. Cooke) ‘Landscape Evaluation: A Comparison of Techniques' Occasional Paper in Geography, University College London , 25pp.


  • ‘Sea bed topography off North-East Scotland ', Scottish Geographical Magazine 91, 52-64.
  • ‘Planning the coast of Scotland ', Town and Country Planning 43, 264-268.
  • ‘The landscape component approach to landscape evaluation', Transactions of the Institute British Geographers 66, 124-129.


  • ‘Rocks in the Highlands and Islands Mists', The Geographical Magazine 48, 602-610.


  • ‘Self-catering holiday accommodation: the role of substitution', in J T Coppock (Ed) ‘Second Homes', Pergamon, pp103-118.
  • ‘Geomorphological inputs into the planning process: case studies in Scotland ', Geographica Polonica 34, 225-240.


  • ‘Land Forms', in P Marren (Ed) The Natural History of St Cyrus, Nature Conservancy Council, pp16-26.


  • ‘Mapping techniques in Geomorphology', in A Goudie (Ed) Geomorphological Techniques, George Allen and Unwin, pp66-75.
  • ‘Negative Aspects of Community', in A Jackson (Ed) ‘Way of Life: Negative Aspects of Community', Social Science Research Council, North Sea Oil Panel, Occasional Paper 8, pp 5-78.


  • (Principal author) ‘ Scotland 's Natural Heritage: the way ahead', Scottish Development Department, Edinburgh .


  • ‘Can we make sustainable development work in practice?', in Leroy (Ed) Regional Development around the North Atlantic Rim, International Society for the Study of Marginal Regions, pp 77-91.


  • ‘Protected Landscapes and nature conservation in Scotland ', in ‘Protected Landscapes: Where Next?', Countryside Commission, Cheltenham , pp 26-28.
  • ‘Environment and conservation of the rural world', in ‘Rural Europe: new beginnings' Commission of European Communities, pp60-61.


  • ‘Scottish Natural Heritage and Forestry', The Journal of the Royal Scottish Forestry Society, 49 (3), 98-101.


  • ‘Evolving landforms and ice age heritage', in C Stevens, C Green, M Macklin, J Gordon (Eds) ‘Conserving our landscape', pp 8-10.
  • ‘Sustaining the earth's resources', in D. O'Halloran, C. Green, E. M. Harley, S.V.M. Stanley and J. Knill, ‘Geological and Landscape Conservation', The Geological Society London, pp7-10.
  • ‘Superquarries and Sustainable Development', in ‘Proceedings of Workshop on Mineral Resources and Sustainable Development', France , 1994, British Geological Society and Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, pp 29-34.
  • ‘Enjoying the outdoors - a programme for action', SNH, Edinburgh.


  • ‘The Environment - Who Cares', Scottish Natural Heritage, Occasional Paper 2, Scottish Natural Heritage, Edinburgh .
  • ‘The Future of Protected Areas in Scotland', in H. Synge(Ed) Europarc Conference, Battleby, Scotland 1993, Federation of National and Nature Parks in Europe, pp 37-42
  • ‘Attitudes Towards the Environment' Report for the natural and built environment professions, October 1995, 9, page 12.
  • ‘FWAG and Scotland 's Natural Heritage' in Land Life, October 1995 pp2-3.
  • ‘Access to our Natural Heritage', in J.M. Fladmark (Ed), ‘Sharing the Earth, Donhead, pp 201-211
  • ‘Natural heritage zones: a new approach in Scotland ' in J. M. Fladmark (Ed) ‘Sharing the Earth', Donhead pp. 227-244.


  • Foreword to ‘Soils, sustainability and the natural heritage,' M. B. Usher, A. McKirdy, A. J. Gordon (Ed) HMSO, pp xv – xvii.
  • ‘The Geographer's Perspective of Scotland's natural heritage: Sustainability for Ever', Scottish Association of Geography Teachers Journal, 25, 33-43.
  • ‘ Scotland 's Natural Heritage: Issues and Solutions for the Future' Journal Royal Town Planning Institute, 1996, 14-15.


  • ‘Introduction', in ‘Rum: Nature's Island ', M. Magnusson (Ed), Luath Press, pp vii-xii.


  • ‘Geography Matters for the Environment of the 21st Century', RSGS Geoscot, August 1998.
  • (with Enrique Lahmann) ‘Protected Areas into the 21st Century' for People and the Environment' IUCN, Gland , Switzerland , 88pp.


  • (with A McKirdy) ‘ Scotland : the creation of its natural landscape', Scottish Natural Heritage, Edinburgh, 64pp.
  • ‘Nature on Your Urban Doorstep', Urban Wildlife News, English Nature, Peterborough ,
  • ‘Action for landscape in Scotland ', in ‘Policies and Priorities for Ireland 's landscape', The Heritage Council, Ireland , pp 35-40.
  • ‘Geography Matters for the Environment of the 21st Century', Geography, 84(4), 345-353.


  • ‘Sustainable development and environment: delivering benefits globally, nationally and locally', SNH Occasional Paper, 8.
  • (joint ed. with E. Maltby, R. Smith and L. Maclean) ‘Integrated planning: International Perspectives', SNH/IUCN/RHIER, 88pp. Preface (pp iii-iv), Overview (pp 3-6), Introduction (pp 7-8), from Concept to Action (pp 83-88).
  • (joint ed. with G. Holmes) ‘ Scotland 's environment: the future', Tuckwell Press. Introduction (pp ix-x) and An Agenda for Action (pp 134-143) (with G. Holmes). Key issues and objectives for sustainable development (pp 75-91) (with TP Henton).
  • ‘Geographers are employable - with qualifications', Journal of the Scottish Association of Geography Teachers, 29, 52-57.
  • ‘21st century environment issues for geography teachers', Journal of the Scottish Association of Geography Teachers, 29, 58-68.
  • ‘Foreword' in ‘A celebration of the life of John Morton Boyd 1925-1998', SNH Occasional Paper, 9.


  • (with John Love) ‘St Kilda archipelago', in World Heritage, UNESCO, 18, 68-79.
  • ‘Delivering benefits globally, nationally and locally' in ‘Nature, landscape and people since the Second World War: A celebration of the 1949 Act', T.C. Smout (Ed), Tuckwell Press, pp 195-218.
  • ‘Sustainable use of the Earth's resources' in ‘Earth science and the natural heritage: interactions and integrated management', J. Gordon et al (Eds), The Stationery Office, pp 286-295.
  • ‘Improving the effectiveness of Protected Areas – the evolving picture', in ‘Ecologists and the rural environment: what can ecology and environmental management offer?' in P.Legg (Ed), Proc. 12 th Conference of Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, pp 9-16.
  • ‘Environmental citizenship for the future', Journal of the Scottish Association of Geography Teachers , 30, 3-13.
  • ‘Planning to achieve sustainability', Scottish Planner , 84, p3.


  • (with T. Henton) ‘Sustaining Scotland's environment', in Usher, M.B., Mackey, E.C., and Curran, J.C.(eds) ‘The State of Scotland's Environment and Natural Heritage', The Stationary Office, 321-331.
  • “Scotland 's cultural landscape” in R. Kelly, L. MacInnes, D. Thackray and P. Whitbourne ‘The Cultural Landscape”, ICOMOS-UK, London , pp 109-114.
  • ‘What landscape means to me', Landscapes , 3(2), 103-106.


  • ‘People and Scotland 's environment: an independent view for political parties, Scottish Executive and Parliament', circulated for Scottish Parliament Elections May 2003.
  • ‘Developing an agenda for plant conservation in Scotland ', Botanical Journal Scotland , 55(1), 225-233.
  • ‘IUCN: conservation's best kept secret', BRISC Recorder News , 51, 4-5.
  • (principal author) ‘The Durban Accord', IUCN-The World Conservation Union .
  • (principal author) ‘The Durban Action Plan', IUCN-The World Conservation Union .
  • ‘After Durban , the harder tasks begin' , National Parks and Protected Areas International Bulletin , 11, 1-2 and 26-27.
  • ‘The Durban Accord and Action Plan: Reaching Out', in World Conservation 2/2003, 12-13.
  • ‘The state of Europe 's protected areas', in S. Chape (Ed) ‘The State of the World's protected areas', UNEP/WCMC, pp
  • ‘The Natural Environment', in States of Scotland 2004, ed. K. Roy, Institute of Contemporary Scotland Books , pp125-134.
  • ‘Vatnajokulspjodgardur – staerri og betri', Morgunbladdit , Iceland, 08/12/03


  • ‘Connecting the pieces: Scotland 's integrated approach to the natural heritage' in K. Bishop and A. Phillips (Eds), ‘Countryside Planning: new approaches to management and conservation', Earthscan, 170-187.
  • (with I. Thomson) ‘Financing sustainability: a critique of Spending review 2003-2006', WWF Scotland.
  • ‘Learning Lessons from large-scale development', WWF Scotland.
  • ‘Thjorsarver: protecting a unique asset in perpetuity', Landverndt, Reykjavik , Iceland .
  • ‘Gaps in Europe 's protected areas system', Proc. Of IUCN World Parks Congress 2003,
  • ‘European protected areas as a model?', IUCN Regional Office for Europe newsletter, 4, 1 and 3.
  • ‘Linking protected areas to the wider world: a review of approaches', Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 6, 143-156.


  • ‘Drupa dalir – ordspor a undanhaldi' Morgunbladid , Iceland , 05/01/05.
  • (with Marija Zupancic-Vicar, Tamas Marghescu, and Zoltan Tederko), ‘Report on IUCN Mission to Tatra National Park , Slovakia ', IUCN, Brussels .
  • 'þórsárver: Varanleg vernd einstakra verðmæta' Morgunbladid, Iceland
  • 'National Parks and outdoor life and health', Freynes , Iceland , pp 13-15,32-34
  • ‘Soil conservation: connecting the pieces' in Strategies, science and law for the conservation of the World soil resources, Agricultural University of Iceland Pub 4, 25-32.
  • (with I Boyd (eds)) ‘ Conserving Nature: Scotland and the wider world' , John Donald, Edinburgh, 222pp.
  • (with I Boyd) ‘Introduction' pp1-4, and ‘Conclusions' pp213-222, in Crofts and Boyd (eds) ‘ Conserving Nature: Scotland and the wider world' , John Donald, Edinburgh,
  • ‘Stakeholders in the natural heritage', in Crofts and Boyd (eds) ‘ Conserving Nature: Scotland and the wider world' , John Donald, Edinburgh, pp 140-164.


  • (principal author) ‘Inquiry into Energy Issues for Scotland : Final Report', The Royal Society of Edinburgh , 138pp.
  • (principal author) ‘Inquiry into Energy Issues for Scotland : Summary Report', The Royal Society of Edinburgh , 22pp.


  • (with A. Mckirdy and J. Gordon) ‘ Land of Mountain and Flood: Scotland 's geology and landforms', Birlinn Press, Edinburgh , 324pp.
  • (principal author) ‘Energy for Scotland : a call for action', The Royal Society of Edinburgh, 12pp.
  • ‘Aldarafmææskipulegrar landgræđslu á Íslandi', Morgunbladid , Iceland 7 September
  • ‘Environmental Stewardship: From Disfunction To Connectivity', IEEM November 2007 Fellows Lecture, In Practice, Bull Inst Ecology & Environmental Management, 58, 4-8.


  • ‘No easy answers in the generation game'. The Times London, 11/01/08, page 8.
  • ‘Changes approaches to nature in Europe in the later twentieth century: the three progressions', in The Environmental Histories of Europe and Japan , Nagoya University , Japan , 23-36.
  • (joint author) ‘Committee of Inquiry into the Future of Scotland's Hills and Islands ', The Royal Society of Edinburgh: Report 170pp, Summary Report 47pp.
  • (with Harmon, D. and Figgis, P.) ‘For Life's Sake: how protected areas enrich our lives and secure the web of life', IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, Gland , Switzerland .
  • ‘Energy a great deal of hot air and a little sense' IUCN CEESP Policy Matters, 16, 43-50.
  • (with Nigel Dudley and Charles Bescancon) ‘Process of assigning the IUCN Protected Area Categories', Defining Protected Areas , Ed. Nigel Dudley and Sue Stolton, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, 79-81.
  •  Verification and certification of protected areas using the IUCN management categories system', Defining Protected Areas , Ed. Nigel Dudley and Sue Stolton, IUCN, Gland , Switzerland , 106-107.
  • Europe. In Chape, S., Spalding, M., Jenkins, M.D. 2008. The World’s Protected Areas. UNEP WCMC. University of California Press, Berkeley, USA. Pp.227-237.


  • ‘Protected Areas: from Durban onwards', Parks, 17(2), 5-12.
  • ‘The Trump resort development: forgetting the environment', BRISC Recorder News, 72, 8-9.
  • ‘Forum Rapporteur's Overview', in Soils, Society and Global Change, Proc of International Forum, Selfoss, Iceland, pp170-174.
  • Iceland 's Future : A Changed Approach To Natural Resources,
  •  (joint editor with Conor Linstead &Edward Maltby) Ecosystems and Health: a UK Perspective, Sibthorp Trust, Liverpool .
  • ‘The Way Forward' in Linstead, Crofts and Maltby (eds) Ecosystems and Health: a UK Perspective, Liverpool, UK , pp103-109.
  • ‘Protected Areas: an Overview' in In Practice, Bull Inst Ecology & Environmental Management, 66, 4-9.
  • ‘Europe' in The World's Protected Areas: Status, Values and Prospects in the 21st century, Ed Chape, S., Spalding, M. and Jenkins,M. University of California Press , Berkeley , USA , pp227-237.


  • ‘Að bjarga hjarta Íslands' (Saving the heart of Iceland ), Morgunbladid , Iceland 5 September 2010, supplement page 10.
  • ‘After the eruption' The Geographer, Autumn 2010, 05.
  • ‘The Sibthorp Trust', Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society, 19 (3), 124-127.
  • 'Introduction' and 'Summary and Conclusions' in ‘Carbon in the uplands: threats & opportunities', The Heather Trust, pp 4-6, 7-9.
  • ‘Management of established protected areas: personnel and organisational development’, in Getzner, M., Jungmeier, M. and Lange, S. Eds. People, Parks and Money: stakeholder involvement and regional development a manual for protected areas. pp.116-124.


  • ‘Magnus Magnusson' Oxford National Dictionary of Biography
  • Editor and contributor ‘Climate change after Copenhagen and Cancún: what next?’ The Sibthorp Trust
  • Introduction pp 8-11, Key Issues and Call for Action pp 46-55, in Crofts, R.(Ed) ‘Climate change after Copenhagen and Cancún: what next?', The Sibthorp Trust
  • 'Lost in translation', Holyrood Magazine, 5 January 2011
  • ‘Healing the land: a century of soil conservation and land restoration in Iceland’, The Soil Conservation Service of Iceland, 208pp.


  • ‘National parks: lessons from around the world and the situation in Scotland’, RSGS The Geographer spring 2012, p7.
  • ‘Scottish national parks: overstepping the mark?’ RSGS The Geographer Spring 2012, p10.


  • ‘Fair Isles and Fine Sailing: celebrating Sixty years of cruising’. The National Trust for Scotland, Edinburgh. 31pp.
  • (with Adrian Phillips) ‘Putting Nature On The Map: Applying The IUCN Protected Areas Management Categories in the UK’. PARKS. The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation, 19(1), 81-90.
  • Að gjörnýta jarðhita á Islandi til að leysa raforkukreppu Evrópu (Exploiting Iceland’s geothermal energy to solve Europe’s electricity crisis), Morgunbladid, Iceland, 19 November 2013, p23.


  • The European Natura 2000 protected area approach: a practitioner’s perspective, PARKS. The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation, 20 (1), 75-86.
  • Scotland: what diversity! RSGS The Geographer, Spring 2014, p 14.
  • We have failed so far. Egner, H. and Jungmeier, M. (eds). PARKS 3.0: protected areas for the next society. Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, Austria, pp 53-56.
  • Promoting geodiversity: learning lessons from biodiversity. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 125, 263-266.
  • Roger Crofts, Nigel Dudley, Chris Mahon, Richard Partington, Adrian Phillips, Stewart Pritchard, Sue Stolton (2014). Putting Nature on the Map: Summary of a Report and Recommendations on the Use of the IUCN System of Protected Area Categorisation in the United Kingdom: IUCN National Committee UK.
  • Roger Crofts, Nigel Dudley, Chris Mahon, Richard Partington, Adrian Phillips, Stewart Pritchard, Sue Stolton (2014). Putting Nature on the Map: A Report and Recommendations on the Use of the IUCN System of Protected Area Categorisation in the UK. United Kingdom: IUCN National Committee UK.
  • (with J. E. Gordon) Geoconservation in protected areas. PARKS. The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation, 20 (2), 61-76.


  • (with J. E. Gordon). 2015. ‘Geoconservation in protected areas’ in (eds) Worboys, G.L., Lockwood, M., Kothari, A., Feary, S. and Pulsford, I. Protected Area Governance and Management, Australian National University Press, Canberra, pp 531-568.
  • Scotland’s biodiversity: finding a way forward, BRISC Recorder News, 96, pp 1, 3-5.
  • Hine, D. W., Crofts, R. and Becker, J. Designing Behaviourally Informed Policies for Land Stewardship: A New Paradigm. International Journal of Rural law and Policy, Special Edition on Soils Governance, 14pp.
  • Editorial for International Year of Soils. RSGS The Geographer, Summer 2015.
  • (with J. E. Gordon) General principles for integrating geoheritage conservation in protected area management. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-2927, 2015.
  • (with Gordon, J.E & Díaz-Martínez, E.) IUCN recognition of geoheritage values and the development of management principles and guidelines for geoconservation in protected areas. Programme and Abstracts, 8th International ProGEO Symposium, 'Geoconservation Strategies in a Changing World', Reykjavík, 9-10 September 2015, 39-40.
  • (with Woo, K.S., Gordon, J.E., Diaz-Martinez, E., McKeever, P.J. & Hill, W.) The role of IUCN protected area categories in the conservation of geoheritage. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-2592, 2015.


  • (with Jón Geir Petursson, Gudridur Thorvardardöttir). Developing Iceland’s Protected Areas: taking stock and looking ahead. PARKS. The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation, 22.1, 13-24.
  • Auðlindastofnun – ný nálgun (Natural Resources Agency - a new way for caring for the environment), Morgunblaðið, 3. September 2016 - page 31.
  • Action on public health, RSGS The Geographer, Autumn 2016, p18.
  • Scotland’s land and environment after Brexit, RSGS The Geographer, Autumn 2016, p27.
  • Do you really want a Galloway National Park? Glenkens Gazette. December 2016.


  • It’s time for the land to be used responsibly. The Scotsman. 14 March 2017.
  • Geography undervalued in understanding the world. The Scotsman. 26 May 2017.
  • This scene is only going to get worse. The Scotsman. 20 July 2017.
  • Foreword. In P. D. Goriup (Ed). 2017. Management of Marine Protected Areas.Wiley Blackwell, xi-xiv.


  • (with Gordon, J. E. and Díaz-Martínez, E.) Geoheritage conservation and environmental policies: retrospect and prospect. In Reynard, E. and Brilha, J. (eds), Geoheritage: assessment, protection and management, pp 213-235.
  • Putting geoheritage on all agendas. Geoheritage 10(2), 231-238.
  • (with Gordon, J.E., Díaz-Martínez, E. and Woo, K. S.) Enhancing the roles of geoconservation in protected area management and nature conservation. Geoheritage 10(2) 191-203.
  • (with Gordon, J.E.) Issues and challenges for integrating geodiversity and geoheritage in nature conservation and sustainable development agendas. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-8919, 2018 EGU General Assembly 2018 © Author(s) 2018. CC Attribution 4.0 license.
  • (co-editor) Bärbel Vogel, Kyung Sik Woo, Ralf Grunewald, Roger Crofts and Gisela Stolpe (Eds.) Global Geoheritage – International Significance and Biodiversity Values Workshop Proceedings. Germany Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. BfN Shripten 500.
  • Introduction and Conclusions. In Bärbel Vogel et al. BfN Shripten 500, pp 7, 9-12.
  • IUCN WCPA Best Practice Guideline on Geoheritage Conservation and Management in Protected Areas. In Bärbel Vogel et al, BfN Shripten 500, pp15-16.
  • (with John Gordon). Linking geodiversity and biodiversity: an agenda for developing more integrated nature conservation and protected area management. In Bärbel Vogel et al. BfN Shripten 500, pp 33-37.
  • Food comes from the soil after all! The Geographer. Summer 2018, p14.
  • The Arctic: a geographical perspective. The Geographer. Winter 2018. p20 and editorial.


  • Linking geoconservation with biodiversity conservation in protected areas, International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks, 7, 211-217.
  • Land management conflicts and solutions. CIEEM In Practice, 106, 6-8.
  • 2020: global environment’s big year, RSGS The Geographer winter 2019, p. 1.
  • Geography and sustainable development. RSGS The Geographer, winter 2019, p. 9.
  • Scottish forestry and sustainable development standards. RSGS The Geographer, winter 2019, p. 35
  • Objects 14-19 in Duddingston: its story in 50 objects. Ed J. Megarry. Rucksack Readers. Pp 40-48.


  • Editorial. Scotland’s rain forest. Global biodiversity: decline stability or gain? Nature is the solution. Special measures for special places. RSGS The Geographer Spring 2020 Nature’s Solutions.
  • (Lead author) Guidelines for geoconservation in protected and conserved areas. Best Practice Guideline Series No. 31. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.
  • Land use in Scotland: changes, challenges and solutions. The Geographer. Winter 2020.


  • (with Des Thompson). Edinburgh Biodiversity Declaration. In Practice CIEEM. 112. 60-61.
  • (with John Gordon and Dan Tormey) Introducing new guidelines on geoheritage conservation in protected and conserved areas. Geoheritage. 13 (2), 14pp.
  • (with Gordon, Gray and Tormey). Including geoconservation in the management of protected and conserved areas matters for all of nature and people. International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks 9, 323-334
  • Scottish perspective on endangered species for Royal Society of Edinburgh.
  • 30 years on Patron’s perspective. In Practice CIEEM. 113, 20.


  • Caring for the environment: retrospect and prospect. The Geographer. Spring 2022, p 29.
  • Foreword. In State of the Biosphere Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere 2012-2022. 8-9.
  • Glen Affric and wind farm developments. The Geographer. Autumn 2022, p. 31.
  • Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II: remembering an amazing life. The Geographer. Winter 2022.
  • Dampening the swings. CIEEM In Practice. 118, p73.
  • (with J. Gordon, R Wignall, V. Brazier and D. Tormey). Planning for climate change impacts on geoheritage interests in protected and conserved areas. Geoheritage. 14, 25pp.
  • Progress and future challenges for geoconservation in protected and conserved areas. Parks Stewardship Forum. 38, 21–30.
  • Who should decide on local land use? Glenkens Gazette.


  • Editor issue of RSGS The Geographer. The Power of trees: future forests and fragile landscapes. Articles: Trees, woods and forests: past, present and future. The role of trees in a sustainable future. Designing our future woodlands. December 2023.
  • Work with nature to tackle flood risk and reduce costs. The Times. 20 March.
  • Old ways must change to stop flooding. The Times. 11 December.


  • Improving visitors’ geoheritage experience: some practical pointers for managers. Geoheritage.16. 9pp. DOI: 10.1007/s12371-024-00955-9
  • Afforestation and tree planting: an environmental management perspective. CIEEM In Practice. 124, 74-75.
  • Trees, woods and forests: past, present and future. CIEEM In Practice. 124. 76.
  • Landscape change in the Scottish Highlands: a review. Scottish Geographical Journal. 10.1080/14702541.2024.2401170
  • Protecting Scotland’s marine environment: right idea, wrong approach. The Times. 25 January.
  • Time to think again on national parks The Times. 18 April.
  • Agriculture is not just about food production. The Times. 15 May.

In press

  • Editor and 4 chapters. Donald Watson: bird artist and writer. Whittles Publishing, Dunbeath, Caithness.
  • (with Gordon, J. E. and Díaz-Martínez, E.) 2025. Geoheritage conservation and environmental policies: retrospect and prospect. (revised and updated article) In Reynard, E. and Brilha, J. (eds), Geoheritage: assessment, protection and management.
  • With S. Tormey, J.E. Gordon, R. Wignall. 2025. Geoheritage helps to understand climate change and supports adaptation planning and design at geosites subject to climate change. In: E. Reynard, J. Brilha (Eds.), Geoheritage: Assessment, Protection, and Management. 2nd edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam 2025.
  • Justice et al., 2024 S. Justice, R. Crofts, J. E. Gordon, M. Gray, Nature: clarifying its definition for strengthened protection and management. IUCN.



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